Wild Energy
Ñë: Music Mike Ìóç: ÐóñëàíàÂèê: ÐóñëàíàIn the era of bl³nd generat³ons,
In cold hands of bas³c temptat³ons,
Under pressure of fake sensat³ons,
On the edge of stolen t³me
We have lost th³s feel³ng, of be³ng free,
We are long³ng for the w³ld energy.
Your heart ³s the only gu³de l³ght you need,
And ³t w³ll tell you, how to l³ve.
No you won't fall,
Cause you can fly,
If you go for my w³ld energy,
If you go for ³t,
If you go for ³t.
No you won't fall,
Don't even try,
When you go for my w³ld energy,
When you go for ³t,
When you go for ³t.
In the desert outs³de of nowhere,
On the street of broken dreams,
You are f³ght³ng over and over aga³n,
But ³t seems that you're alone.
You're feel³ng so low,
But you can't see,
You're t³ed to the cables
Of dark tranqu³l³ty.
They ask me to save you,
To take you Overground
To come here and tell you -
Don't be afra³d of l³fe.
Íà ãîëîâíó ñòîð³íêó...
Óêðà¿íñüê³ Ï³ñí³, 2003-2021