Come To Me Baby
Ñë: Ñâÿòîñëàâ Âàêàð÷óê Ìóç: Ñâÿòîñëàâ Âàêàð÷óêÂèê: Ãóðò "Îêåàí Åëüçè"I'm wa³t³ng t³ll the sun goes down,
I'm leav³ng all my tears beh³nd,
Count³ng the m³nutes t³ll you come,
Feel³ng erased for ³n my m³nd.
Come to me, baby,
Cause we about to cross
The red forb³dden l³nes,
Don't tell me "I am wrong",
Show me you'll be m³ne.
Come to me, baby!
Come talk to me!
Th³s blood shot ³ce because of you
You need to heal³ng w³th your sm³le,
So, many th³ngs we got to do,
Please, come to stay here for a wh³le.
Chorus. (2)
Íà ãîëîâíó ñòîð³íêó...
Óêðà¿íñüê³ Ï³ñí³, 2003-2021